With Con Man, Alan Tudyk crowd-funded a web series to bring Firefly fans their own twist on Galaxy Quest, and if this trailer is anything to go by, the results are great! Check out the whole trailer below, and look for Con Man on Vimeo this September!
Nathan Fillion is in full smarmy Captain Hammer-mode, Felicia Day, Amy Acker, and Gina Torres all pop up for cameos, and Tudyk himself is hilariously flustered as Ray Nearly, former co-star of Spectrum, the cult classic cancelled too early by an uncaring network in this totally fictional movie that bears no relation whatsoever to our own harsh world (You Can’t Take the Sky From Me, Dammit, #SaveFarscape, #SaveHannibal, etc., etc.). Will Ray be able to restart his career, or is he fated to appear at conventions for the rest of his life?